Codys Kids, Inc

Amazing Key West…

on April 19, 2012

Hi Guys! What an incredible experience which officially started at MM 0. Crystal blue waters, with a few cotton candy clouds in the sky, a gentle breeze that whispered of things to come…

I awoke to music. It was late in the day as I had a tough night due to chronic sciatic pain that is in full bloom. The music was a delightful distraction – the oldies – and I mean the REAL oldies.

An accordion of all things spread musical notes throughout the neighbor’s yard and trickled through my open windows. My Old Kentucky Home flavored my senses with things to come.

Baritone was it? I’m not an expert but my ears told me that “he” was something special – a God-given talent and for the next 90 minutes he and a quartet of other harmonious voices delighted this girl.

What a gift and that was just the beginning of Key West.

2 responses to “Amazing Key West…

  1. Caryn says:

    You know how proud, and how jealous I am:) Can’t wait to see you out on the road somewhere! Thanks for doing this, not just for Cody and not just for you – for all of us enjoying the journey along with you.

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